The Project Dream with us to future travels

Travel & Destinations is a website that helps users dream of future travels. They are looking for new destinations that we could enjoy for a few days when we snatch ourselves from everyday life.

built at softhost factory
My work
ux & ui design
front-end development
made in spring 2017

The UX & UI Design Making the blueprint

Visual presentation

Use pictures and words to tell great travel stories that inspire users

Simple journey

Make the website easy to navigate and help users dive right in


Provide the optimal viewing and interaction experience on any device

The Front End What’s under the hood

After the design was approved by the client, I moved on to the responsive front-end implementation using the Bootstrap css framework. The technologies involved were Less, HTML and jQuery.

The Finished Product Everything wrapped together

It was very important to get a mobile-first approach in place, the nature of the business really called out fantastic mobile usability. The site has a fantastic load speed and with the use of bright, bold imagery and stylish animations we managed to bring users’ dreams closer to reality.